Microsoft office 2013


Microsoft Office ProPlus 2013 SP1 VL x86 en-US May2014 | 6.08 MB

Microsoft Office ProPlus 2013 SP1 VL Contains SP1 and KB files currently needed as of May12-2014.

Release File: Office-2013-SP1-PPVL-x64-en-US-May2014.iso

MSP files in Updates Folder:
csi-x-none, dcf-x-none, excel-x-none, excelpp-x-none, filterpack-x-none,
gkall-x-none, groove-x-none, lync-x-none, lynchelp-en-us, lyncintl-en-us,
msmipc-x-none, mso-x-none, msptls-x-none, oart-x-none, ocr-x-none,
onenote-x-none, orgidcrl-x-none, osfclient-x-none, outlfltr-x-none,
outlook-x-none, outlookintl-en-us, powerpoint-x-none, ppaddin-x-none,
proof-en-us, proof-es-es, proof-fr-fr, publisher-x-none, riched20-x-none,
vviewer-x-none, word-x-none, wordpia-x-none, wxpcore-x-none

For activation, use the Microsoft Toolkit 2.5.1 in the file.
Click the Office button, install AutoKMS, and click the Activate button.
If you experience a problem, try switching settings to use the TAP adapter.


(1): Please use 7Zip/WinRAR/Universal Extractor to EXTRACT FILES
(2): run the setup
(3): Use the given KMSpico_ to activate

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