Hashtags were limited to only Twitter earlier, but now it seems that Facebook and Google+ have also followed Twitter (pun). With # available on all these sites, nobody has clear idea as to how do they use is. Some use it like "P.S-" while others just want to write their whole status in #s.
There is no set definition for anything on social media. In fact, the way people use something defines how to use it. It doesn't matter how it was meant to be used, what matters is how you use it.
But today I will not talk about you as the "trendsetter". In fact, no one is a "trendsetter" except celebrities.
There should be certain etiquette as to how one should use the #.
First, let us understand what are hashtags. Hashtags are mean to be used for search purposes.
Let us take an example to understand this.
Suppose that you go to a new restaurant named "Haveli" . You like the food and everything else about that place. Now you want to update a status update about that place and you want to see others who have been to the same place then you should use the #Haveli . This will make others who have not been to the place but are planning to go there see the response by searching for it.
It is meant to connect people with similar interests and see what people of similar interests are up to.

Another example. Suppose that you're the owner of a coffee shop and you want people to know about your shop through social media. What do you do? You place a # in the corner of your banner with whatever name you'd like and tweet about it on your twitter profile. Now, whoever visits your shop will see the # and tweet about it. This will let the followers of that person click on that # and whenever you click on a # an account also is featured in twitter feed of that #'s trends. That account is the account of the first person to have tweeted that. This will lead to the popularity of the shop as well as it'll help find people with similar interests. If you like a latte from that coffee shop you can tweet that the latte was good and in the end put the # on the banner of the shop. This will let people interested in the shop know about it and those who haven't tried it will do.

#just #chilling #with #friends #at #CCD <---- font="" is="" this="" wrong="">
Just chilling with friends at #CCD <---- font="" is="" nbsp="" right="" this="">
Nobody will have a similar interest "just" or "at". People might look for #CCD though.
I think all that I have said above is enough for you to understand using #s. But even after that if you don't get it, then I think it's time for you to leave the internet.
Follow me on Twitter - @aryanshmalviya
Follow me on G+ - Aryansh Malviya
Like us on Facebook - The Gadgetier
IMAGE CREDITS - http://www.memeshelf.com/tags/498/hashtags , http://mommyevangelism.org/2013/06/13/dos-and-donts-of-facebooks-hashtags/ , http://hyperallergic.com/11075/trending-hashtag-event-names/ , http://www.rottenecards.com/card/259832/i-hate-when-people-hasht
But today I will not talk about you as the "trendsetter". In fact, no one is a "trendsetter" except celebrities.
There should be certain etiquette as to how one should use the #.
First, let us understand what are hashtags. Hashtags are mean to be used for search purposes.
Let us take an example to understand this.
Suppose that you go to a new restaurant named "Haveli" . You like the food and everything else about that place. Now you want to update a status update about that place and you want to see others who have been to the same place then you should use the #Haveli . This will make others who have not been to the place but are planning to go there see the response by searching for it.
It is meant to connect people with similar interests and see what people of similar interests are up to.

Another example. Suppose that you're the owner of a coffee shop and you want people to know about your shop through social media. What do you do? You place a # in the corner of your banner with whatever name you'd like and tweet about it on your twitter profile. Now, whoever visits your shop will see the # and tweet about it. This will let the followers of that person click on that # and whenever you click on a # an account also is featured in twitter feed of that #'s trends. That account is the account of the first person to have tweeted that. This will lead to the popularity of the shop as well as it'll help find people with similar interests. If you like a latte from that coffee shop you can tweet that the latte was good and in the end put the # on the banner of the shop. This will let people interested in the shop know about it and those who haven't tried it will do.

#just #chilling #with #friends #at #CCD <---- font="" is="" this="" wrong="">
Just chilling with friends at #CCD <---- font="" is="" nbsp="" right="" this="">
Nobody will have a similar interest "just" or "at". People might look for #CCD though.
I think all that I have said above is enough for you to understand using #s. But even after that if you don't get it, then I think it's time for you to leave the internet.
Follow me on Twitter - @aryanshmalviya
Follow me on G+ - Aryansh Malviya
Like us on Facebook - The Gadgetier
IMAGE CREDITS - http://www.memeshelf.com/tags/498/hashtags , http://mommyevangelism.org/2013/06/13/dos-and-donts-of-facebooks-hashtags/ , http://hyperallergic.com/11075/trending-hashtag-event-names/ , http://www.rottenecards.com/card/259832/i-hate-when-people-hasht