Previously, I posted about how to increase your computer's speed and in this post I'll tell you how to increase you internet browsing speed. Well you must be really sick and tired of your internet browsing too. Well, let me tell you, the problem is probably not with your connection, but with your browser. Read More to know.
There are some methods by which we can increase the speed of our internet with the help of some browsers, and fortunately Mozilla Firefox is one of the browsers which I shall say, "provide the facility" to increase the speed.
This method doesn't really increases the speed of your internet, it just lets you make the most out of your broadband or 3G or whatever internet connection you have.
The first thing that you need to do is type 'about:config' in your address bar. Accept the warning, in simple words, 'Yes'.
Search for:
network.http.max-connections-per-server and change the value to 32
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy, change to 16
network.http.max-connections, change to 64
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server, change to 10
network.http.pipelining, change to true
network.http.pipelining.maxrequests, change to 200
network.http.request.max-start-delay, change to 0
Having done that, right click anywhere in that frame and select New > Integer and name it nglayout.initialpaint.delay and make its value 0.
After doing all this mess, there will be a visible increase in your browsing speed.
Sadly, this thing(in my knowledge), doesn't work in any other browser, and if it does, then I don't know the trick to do it. Either you download Firefox and browse the web by it, or stick to your browser with your dull speed.
That's it for now...
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