How to make money online: The Real Way

Hi there, this is Aryansh and in this post I'm gonna tell you what is the real way to make money online.

Thousands of people on the Internet search about how to make money online and most of them come across fake results and these sites entrap the innocent  Internet users who just want to make some money online in their spare time. Read more to find out the genuine method to make money online.

A lot of people want to become rich quickly and easily and even without working. And for that reason they want to work online and earn money without doing anything. Let me tell you, the amount of work that you have to put in to get $20 in the real world is double in the online world(from your point of view, from mine, it's equivalent). People want to earn money quickly by any means, no matter what they have to do, but whatever it is, it should be online. If it was so easy to earn a huge amount of money online then why don't people just sit inside their homes and do it? Why? Why do normal people go to jobs? Why do people do hard work? Why do people open shops or do their own business?
If working online was so easy then everybody would have become millionaires and billionaires by this time. I don't know why people conceive this thing to be as easy as putting the cap on the pen or opening a can of soda or anything equal to that.
I don't want to bore you, as if I were to tell you what people think about this, it'll never end!
Long story short, IT IS NOT EASY AT ALL TO EARN MONEY ONLINE! Of course, it becomes easy when you have put in a lot of hard work and time, it eventually pays off. It is not easy at all, and I'm not gonna say that it is not even difficult, yes! It is difficult to earn money online.
You have to do a lot of stuff which I'll be talking about later in this post.
I'm gonna tell you about one way how you can earn money and that is blogging.


This is, I can say, a genuine way to earn money online. It doesn't guarantee that you'll earn money, but yeah, if you put in a lot of hard work in the right direction, then you sure can earn money by this way. Sure, there are a lot of other ways to earn money online, but this is the method I'll be talking about.

What do you need to start blogging?

The first thing that you need before start blogging is that you need to have that, "Love for Writing".
You should be a person that can write like, a hell about something really simple and stupid, let it be a chair, a table, a bottle, a bloody remote, a paper, etc. And I'm serious. 
You should write something that seems appealing(not sexually, haha!) to your audience. You should write something attractive. Something that attracts people, something that is hit in the market is not necessary, what is necessary is that you should write something that goes hit in the market.

The second thing is that, you should have good grammar skills. It is not necessary that you should only write in English to get famous and all that. If you don't know English, no problem. You can start writing in your own language, but here's the catch. You can't get as famous or earn as much money as you can by writing in English. See, English is a universal language. Everybody searches the Internet in English and there is a very less amount people who search in their language. I'm just cutting to the chase, unless and until you are a dead famous person amongst people who speak your language, your site/blog can't be as famous as it can be if you write in English. I suggest you to write in English and if you don't have good grammar skills, then you should really learn some. It would really help you in the long run.

What should you write about?

Well, this thing should be self-explanatory to people who are intelligent enough to understand that in life you can always get what you want if you work hard towards what you love, what you believe in, something which is play for you. 

You can write about anything that you love. To be specific, anything that you love the most. It is not like that you love your dog and you want to write about it. You should write about something that exists as a category. If you want to write about something, it can be about dogs.
See? Anything you write about should exist in a category.

There's another thing. Whatever you write should be long enough to explain the thing you are writing about. It is not like that you write 20 words about dogs and you are done. You should explain everything about that category. If you can't write about what you are assuming to be the thing you love, then you don't love it. Seriously, if you can't write long about or can't talk long about what you love, you don't love it. End of discussion, find your passion, write about it.

Some Don'ts

  • You should write about only one thing. You can't cover everything, even if you can,l you can't earn money doing that. Sports channels are meant to show sports, they can't show drama. Get my point?
  • Write about the thing you love. Anything else won't get you anywhere.
  • Don't copy. If you copy stuff from some other site, people will go to their site. Why will they be interested in yours if they can find the same content on a site more popular?
  • Be original. The public is not a fool, you can't fool a billion or some people thinking that they don't know.
  • Work Hard. It is not as easy as you're assuming it would be.
  • Don't write shorthand. That's a language people like on Facebook. Not anywhere else.
  • Don't disrespect people who read your blog/site. They are your Gods!
  • Every single view is important. If you drop on views, don't think that you can make up tomorrow.

How will you earn money?

This is a very nice question.

You will earn money by ads. Start a blog today, let it run for six months, apply for Google AdSense , make sure that your website or blog stands up to their guidelines and privacy policy, post quality content. You will get paid when people view or click your Ad. For more information, you can always post in the comments section and I'll be ready to help you out as soon as time allows. Trust me, I will reply.

And the most important. You can't earn money quick by any online program. It takes time, it takes hard work, and it requires patience. Don't go for idiotic ways to earn money, this is what is real.

Other ways to earn money online

There are many other ways by which you can earn money online. If you want to know about them, comment below, and if a lot of people want that, I'll do a separate post about it.

That's it for now...
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...Thanks for reading