Google Nexus 7: 32 GB variant out in market!

Hi there, this is Aryansh and in this post I'm gonna tell you about the new 32 GB model of the Google Nexus 7 tablet.

Google has received a lot of complaints and suggestions regarding the storage problem in the Google Nexus 7 and for that reason, Google has come out with a solution. Read more to know more about this variant.

I have reviewed the Google Nexus 7 and I have mentioned the storage problem a few times, I believe, and now the problem has been sorted out.

Google sold the 8 GB variant of the Google Nexus 7 at $199 and the 16 GB version at $249. Now, Google has decided to make the buyers of the 16 GB variant of the Google Nexus feel pity on themselves. It has been leaked by some Japanese seller that the 32 GB version of this Google Nexus will have the same features and will sell with the same price tag that the 16 GB variant had. I would not suggest anyone to buy the 16 GB variant as of now because it is priced at $249 and you can get the same features with a better storage, after October 29th, at the same price. The 32 GB variant won't ship before October, 29th.

That's it for now...
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