'Mr. Jerk' has sent you a message.
'Hi, check out this cool site, just log in there with your Facebook Username and Password, and get free tickets to the latest band concert!'
Your Reaction, "Hmm....the site looks pretty good, it has proofs too, I should log in"
Site's message, 'Sorry, we are unable to process you request right now'
Automatically logged out, "What's this? I should log in again"
Kaboom! "That Password is no more valid."
The above short story is just a normal day scenario where the innocent user, with a very little knowledge, is trapped by some ID theft and then his own username and password are changed. The user therefore has nowhere to go then, as the thief after some time gets access to even the Email account of the innocent user because generally these kind of users keep the same password everywhere.
For the info, the process used above is called phishing and I will cover it later as to how it is done and how to keep away from it.
The first thing that user , which may be you so I will be mentioning the user as 'You', should check how secure his password is.
In this case no matter how hard to crack the password may be, the thief will easily get it. But you should keep your password as safe as possible and to do the same you must go to this site and check out how this site rates your password. You must include as many characters as possible and numbers and different combinations.
Now, the question here arises is that why should you keep your password of a good length and combination?
The answer is, there is a technique called Brute-force attack and by using this method one can use a computer with a program installed on it to check all the possible combinations that the password could be of and try logging in with all of them, in simple language. And this is why your password needs to be secure.
The other thing is that these days people are posting a lot of malicious links on walls and other stuff that when you click on, get automatically posted to all your friends' wall and they think that you are doing all this. These links generally come with an explicit image and all that, and that is to attract users that are not so much into this 'Internet Security' thing.
To stop these, the first thing you have got to do is to recognize these type of things by seeing the explicit image and avoid clicking that. That's not permanent though, it is not always that these are posted with and explicit image or content. So what do you do to prevent this? Well, the answer is, install a good quality anti-virus that really works. Norton, McAfee, Kaspersky, BitDefender and all these are rubbish anti-virus softwares that load up your computer and don't even do the real thing these anti-virus software come up when the virus is into your computer or the malicious link has executed its program. The best anti-virus solution that I prefer is AVG Anti-Virus. This anti-virus actually provides real-time protection and is the very best in my opinion.
Now, finally, what was that story in the intro all about?
The story included a technique called phishing(pronounced "fishing"). In this technique what really happens is that, a person targets another person to log into a site which he/she has created by him/herself and when the target(I wouldn't call that person victim as he himself provides his login info) logs into the site which he lands to, the login info you provide is stored in the site's database to which the creator or the thief has access to, as it it his/her own site.
So, how so I prevent being a target?
The first thing that you can do is that, only log into those sites with you Facebook Username and Password which are globally well known and are well trusted. Although this method may not work fine as the thieves create copies of such well known sites and get your login info from you.
The best thing that you can do is to install the AVG Anti-Virus Software and listen to your browser when it warns you about some phishing site or any malicious site. Although AVG tests all links on the internet and prevents you from going into any phishing sites automatically, it even tests your Google search results for malicious contents which in 90% of malicious site cases is the cause of exploitation.
That's it for now...
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